I would like to convert an assemblerassembly program in ca65 with macros into assemblerassembly code with resolved macros in order to carry out manual or automatic optimizations with the resulting code. Then, the assembler program should be assembled into object code/executable code.
Is there an option or macro for ca65 to make it run only the macro pre-processor?
I'm assembling with
ca65 myprog.s
cl65 myprog.o -C c64-asm.cfg -u __EXEHDR__ -o myprog.prg
or using cl65 in one step
cl65 myprog.s -C c64-asm.cfg -u __EXEHDR__ -o myprog.prg
Mini example for myprog.s with macros:
loop: inc $D021
.repeat 20
jmp loop