This is kind of a difficult question to phrase since the Apple 1 wasn't really that well adopted of a platform - under 200 of them made and mostly abandoned by the company within 2 years. That being said, it did have an interesting feature of being able to run with either a 6502 or 6800 CPU.
Looking at the boards, I was always curious about the "6800 Only" markings on the silkscreen and had read something about how you could swap out the 6502 for a 6800 if you so desired. Going through the Apple 1 registry, I can see only one example of where someone actually installed a 6800 chip. Interesting enough, the areas of the board that were "6800 only" are only partially populated, but I digress.. UPDATE 2021-03-01: Apparently the 6800 was noted in error recently! (thanks @benrg!)
So what I'm really trying to ask is why would Woz have designed this alternate processor capability, what would have been the reason for using the 6800 and what (if any) software is known to have ever existed for the alternate setup?