I have access to several meters of manuals of various sorts around CP/M on PCs and various bits on mainframes. These are earmarked to go after decades of "cannot dump that" heartbleed. Most are originals, but also many copies. I helped to put some on eBay but nobody wanted them. What should I do?
Is there a postal address to which we can send several parcels?
Edit: Thank you for the suggestions. The problems with those have also been raised. The folks with these kinds of manuals in their attic/cellar are unlikely to happily invest a couple of 1000s of $/€/whatever to get those digitized. Skimming through those manuals one easily recognizes the cores/seeds of today's technologies, also the introductions are nice. But most striking are the touch and feel of some excellent quality folders, typically. Some come with leather. Others just just feel rock solid with nice colors and have wonderful separators for the chapters throwing your antique favorite technical keywords at you. You don't kill them, being digital or not. And I am afraid I would be in trouble for putting them up as a piece of craft and decoration at our place - but that is what they (often) are - both your mind and for your physical habitat.