Yes, BASIC is much slower than assembly for many operations. For an
easy example, try out this program on a Commodore 64 or emulator:
for i = 1024 to 1984 : poke i,peek(i) or 128 : next
You will see each character on the screen reverse, row by row, over
the course of ten seconds. By contrast, the exact same routine in
machine language inverts the entire screen in a fraction of a second;
there's almost no perceptable gap between the first character and last
character being inverted. (The source and a BASIC loader for it are
appended below, if you want to see how it works or run it yourself.)
The two main issues that make it much slower are that each line of
BASIC is read and interpreted before it's executed, and the data
formats used by BASIC often have much higher overhead than the wider
variety of formats one can use in machine language.
In some cases the latter is due to BASIC not using the most efficient
formats it has available. For example, BASIC always uses floating
point for the index of a for
loop rather than having extra code to
determine whether it could use integer variables instead. Thus, adding
one to i
in the code above ends up executing machine-language
procedures to copy several bytes of data to the FAC (floating point
accumator), do the floating point addition, and copy it back out. This
is many dozens of instructions, whereas a loop that meets the
restrictions that allow integers to be used (as in the
machine-language routine below) can do its math in a small handful of
In other cases, BASIC just doesn't support at all the kind of
techniques and formats you can use in assembler. As Harper points out
in a comment below, unrolling the loop in the following
assembly routine would save some arithmetic and several memory
lookups, probably doubling the speed of the routine. That kind of
optimization is something that assembler programmers can do in the
right circumstances, and you can't really work at the level at all in
The following is a machine language routine to invert the screen on a
Commodore 64 in a way similar to how it was done in BASIC above. Note
that this is deliberately not optimized; it's written instead with an
eye towards clarity and generality. (For example, a simple change
could make this update 32 KB, rather than just 1 KB.)
All numbers in the listing are in hexadecimal (base 16). The #
front of some of them means to load that actual number itself into the
A or Y register; otherwise it's loading data from the address in
memory specified by that number. In the case of the [addr],Y
references, it's loading a 16-bit address from addr
, adding the Y
register to that value, and that determines the memory location of the
load or store. We need to do this because the Y register is only 8
bits, holding values up to only FF (256 decimal), so we need to count
through 256 four times to to read and write all 1024 screen addresses.
(Actually, there are only 960 displayed on the screen, but we do 4×256
to keep the code simple.)
00FC addr .equ 00fc ; unused zero-page location
C000 A9 00 invscr: lda #00 ; screen RAM start low byte
C002 85 FC sta addr ; unused zero-page location
C004 A9 04 lda #04 ; screen RAM start high byte
C006 85 FD sta addr+1 ; unused zero-page location
C008 A0 00 nextpage: ldy #00 ; set 8-bit register Y to 0
C00A B1 FC nextchar: lda [addr],Y ; load character from addr + Y
C00C 09 80 ora #80 ; set bit 7 to make it inverse
C00E 91 FC sta [addr],y ; store modified character
C010 C8 iny ; increment Y
C011 D0 F7 bne nextchar ; branch back if y != 0
C013 E6 FD inc addr+1 ; increment 16-bit screen address by 256
C015 A5 FD lda addr+1
C017 C9 08 cmp #08 ; reached end of screen?
C019 D0 ED bne nextpage
C01B 60 rts
And here's a BASIC program that will load the routine; you can run it
after that with sys 49152
10 loc=49152 : rem store the routine at $c000
20 read v: if v = -1 then end
30 poke loc,v : loc = loc + 1 : goto 20
50 data 169,0,133,252,169,4,133,253
60 data 160,0,177,252,9,128,145,252,200,208,247
70 data 230,253,165,253,201,8,208,237,96
90 data -1
at andPOKE
into address anywhere in RAM. You were basically doing pointer arithmetic and writing to addresses directly. But your programs were stored as strings which were interpreted, so it was much slower than assembly.%
suffix) in Applesoft (Apple II Basic) - after all, the first Apple II Basic ("Integer Basic") only used integer variables in the first place. Of course you had to use them, or your loops would still be slow.