The first production runs of the MOS 6502, in mid-1975, had a bug in the ROR instruction that caused MOS to "remove" it from the instruction set by omitting it in the intial documentation. An updated version with a working ROR was released no later than May 1976.
While the Apple 1 was first demonstrated in late 1975, Apple Computer Company wasn't formed until March 1976, according to this interview with Woz. (Actually, April 1st, according to Wikipedia) National Geographic claims the release date of the Apple 1 to be April 11th, 1976, but I don't know where they got this date from. Wikipedia has another source saying it went on sale in July 1976, which, since the parts were ordered no more than a month before delivery of the assembled computers (according to both the first two references above), seems easily to leave enough time for their initial set of assembled computers to have used the fixed 6502.
So did any Apple 1s ship with a 6502 without ROR? Possibly some were assembled by others (who bought just the PCB) with a no-ROR CPU; do we have or know of any examples of this?
As far as software goes, unsurprisingly neither the original Woz monitor nor Apple 1 BASIC have any ROR instructions in them; these were developed well before the Apple 1 was ever sold as a product. But was there any other Apple 1 software sold or widely shared that deliberately worked around the ROR bug?