I recently got a SID chip (8580r5) for $35 and got it playing music. I was really happy about it. I hooked up a small amp chip to the 9V supply momentarily (it didn't work, I was building that part of the circuit) and after a second of disconnecting it the SID stopped playing music and I quickly saw it was drawing a lot of amps on the 9V rail, I think around 600mA when it usually draws around 10mA. I quickly shut everything down (I think within 1 to 2 seconds of it going bad) and the chip had gotten a little bit warm. Now if I bring up the 9V supply slowly the current increases relative to the voltage which is not what should happen, it should stay at around 10mA. It draws the same amount of current on the 5V supply as it did before but if I quickly supply 9V too it doesn't produce any output.
How did I break it as the only connection the amp circuit had with the SID was through a 2.2uF cap on its output and a common ground?
I took extreme care to not have a SID chip die on my hands
I'm hoping that if I let it sit for a moment it will be magically fixed but I don't like my chances.
Here is a small schematic of what I had. I couldn't find a TDA1524 and my circuit is the same as the one on the datasheet except the components for the right channel where missing and some values where a little bit different so I didn't bother drawing it, tell me if you want me to.
EDIT: if i don't connect 9V i can pick up a 20mV signal of the normal output of the SID so only an output pre amp died most likely explained by @Justme's answer https://www.bitchute.com/video/xo4R3Na8VDCH