I am working on coding a driver of sorts for a Z80 based computer I am making. I am compiling with SDCC and I have been getting the following?
ASlink-Warning-Undefined Global 'data' referenced by module 'main'
I am essentially trying to access a c variable (function parameter) through inline assembly without messing with the stack (I would prefer solutions that don't involve the stack, but if that is the only way I would greatly appreciate you explaining how to do this and how it works with as much detail as possible and do an example for me). I am currently trying to use something like this: ld A, (varname) and it is throwing the error above.
I appreciate your help in advance :)
Edit: A bit more info: I am compiling for the Z80 Processor and I am using the SDCC compiler on MacOS. The command I am using is: sdcc -mz80 --no-std-crt0 --vc --code-loc 0x0 src/main.c
And here is the code that is causing the error. It is in a file called pio.c and is connected to pio.h which I have attached to my main code by an include statement.
#include "../../include/stdint.h"
#include "pio.h"
typedef struct pio
uint8_t portA;
uint8_t portB;
void (*init)(char reg, uint8_t control);
void (*load)(char reg, uint8_t data);
} PIO;
void init(char reg, uint8_t control){
case 'A':
LD iy,#2
ADD iy,sp
LD A, 1(iy)
OUT (0x13), A /*Output register a to the address 0000000000010011 */
case 'B':
OUT (0x9), A /*Output register a to the address 000000000001001*/
void load(char reg, uint8_t data){
case 'A':
mov A, data
OUT (0x12), A /*Output register a to the address 0000000000010010*/
case 'B':
LD A, (IX)
OUT (0x8), A /*Output register a to the address 0000000000010000*/
And here is Pio.h
* pio.h
* Created on: 2020. 7. 28.
* Author: me
#ifndef PIO_H
#define PIO_H
#include "pio.c"
extern void init(char reg, uint8_t control);
extern void load(char reg, uint8_t control);
#endif /* LIB_PIO_PIO_H_ */
An additional note, I know my first line of pio.c is for stdint in a higher folder. For some reason, the compiler won't see it if I just do a normal include, so I decided to copy all of the include files into my project directory. It is not great practice, but I just want it to work at this point.