I have an Intel 8080 core and would like to build the minimal computer system around it to run Tiny BASIC interactively. I am building this computer on an FPGA, so I am not asking about actual components, rather, the connection of the peripherals in terms of ports or memory mapped addresses.
An ideal answer to my question would consist of a link to a Tiny BASIC binary ready to be loaded on an Intel 8080, together with memory layout information (e.g. "put the binary at RAM starting at 0x0000 with size at least 4 K"), initialization ("reset PC to 0x0100 to start"), and IO (e.g. "if a byte is written to port 0x01, show it as ASCII to the user. If a byte is read from port 0x02, return 1 if a new input byte is ready, 0 otherwise. If a byte is read from port 0x69, return the next input byte", or "interrupt with RST 3
when a new input byte is available and put it to RAM address 0Ff000").
I should also add that I am looking for a standalone version, not one that requires CP/M. The simpler the peripherals, the better.