I have a function that should be callable with the following syntax:
void __fastcall__ initSIDplayer1(uint8_t a);
The __fastcall__
modifier here means that the argument is passed in the Accu instead of the software stack. The address is given as 16-bit address, for example, 0x1000 for a SID player file that is loaded with or before the main program.
I have used the following line to define the function with the specified address:
static void __fastcall__ (*initSIDplayer1)(uint8_t)=(const void *)0x1000;
The approach works, but the compiler generates a lot of code in comparison to the statically defined function initSIDplayer1
; code generated for initSIDplayer1(1);
lda #$61
jsr _initSIDplayer
; code generated for initSIDplayer2('a');
lda _initSIDplayer2
ldx _initSIDplayer2+1
jsr pushax
lda #$61
ldy #$00
lda (sp),y
sta jmpvec+1
lda (sp),y
sta jmpvec+2
jsr jmpvec
jsr incsp2
The generated code for initSIDplayer2 writes the target address into memory (using two stack operations) and then jumps to that memory address-1 where it executes another jmp. This is a very flexible, but slow and cumbersome approach.
How do I need to write the function definition with the given address so that the compiler translates it into a simple jsr ADDR
call like with initSIDplayer1
I know that this can be also done with inline assembler or an external assembler file, but I would be interested in the C code syntax.
For completeness, this is the minimum test program:
#include <stdint.h>
void __fastcall__ initSIDplayer1(uint8_t a);
static void __fastcall__ (*initSIDplayer2)(uint8_t)=(const void *)0xFFD2;
void main() {
I compiled it with cc65 function.c
which generates an .s
file? AFAIR cc65 only delivers a.s
(to be later assembled using ca65, wouldn't it? Did you maybe use cl65 instead?.segment "DATA"
) as that's why it builds the jump table from before jumping. It essentially ignores theconst
part. Now we only need to look why.