I recently acquired a Commodore SX-64. It powers on, but the CRT just displays a white screen. I dont have a test cartridge yet, not that it would help as thereis no display. I havent tried an external monitor yet, but I will. I was just curious, assuming its just the display, is there a command I can type that would play a sound? Then I could tell its booting and I need to fix the CRT.

1 Answer 1

  1. Just in case you are unaware, there are CRT controls hidden behind the panel on the right side. There's also a floppy reset button and volume control. I don't suspect this will fix your display but might change what is shown.

  2. Shortest command I'm aware of to make sound output:

    10 POKE 54296,15:POKE 54296,0:GOTO 10
  • 2
    Thanks. Ill try this when I get off of work. Im hoping its just the built-in CRT.
    – Keltari
    Commented Jul 31, 2022 at 18:46
  • Would changing the volume register produce audible clicks in all SID versions for all plausible power-on states? Otherwise, I would think plugging an audio amplifier set for low volume into the video output and listening for the sound to change a couple of times when the system is switched on would be a good test.
    – supercat
    Commented Aug 1, 2022 at 16:41

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