No there is no equivalent BASIC command. In fact, even REU commands (FETCH/STASH/SWAP) can not copy between the C128's two banks, but only between whatever bank has been selected (*1) ant the REU.
As a result copying a block from one bank into the other needs to go thru the REU. First transferred to the REU and then to the other Bank. For example to move 256 bytes fron $1000 in Bank 1 to $2000 in Bank 0 one needs to:
10 BANK 1 : SWAP 256, 1024, 0, 0 : REM Move from bank 1 to REU and save REU content
20 BANK 0 : FETCH 256, 2048, 0, 0 : REM Move from REU to Bank 0
30 BANK 1 : SWAP 256, 1024, 0, 0 : REM Restore REU content
Given, it will be comparably fast, still not really elegant.
The same process can of course be done using an external drive, like a floppy.
10 BSAVE "MOVEFILE", B1, P (1024) TO P (1024+256)
20 BLOAD "MOVEFILE", B0, P (2048)
Works, but might not be the fastest way. For short amounts the mentioned BASIC loop might be faster (*2,3).
Of course if a machine language routine is fine, that would speed it up a lot. The C128 Kernal offers a set of new calls to access a byte in any bank as described on p.405 of the C128 Programmer's Reference Guide:
16. $FF74 JMP INDFET ;LDA (fetvec),Y from any bank
17. $FF77 JMP INDSTA ;STA (stavec),Y to any bank
18. $FF7A JMP INDCMP ;CMP (cmpvec),Y to any bank
Using these a copy routine can be set up that should work acceptable fast while still being fairly hardware independent (*3,4).
*1 - By setting via BANK n
or POKE 981,n
*2 - Maybe without that potential error and a tiny bit optimized:
FOR I=0 TO last:BANK 0:A=PEEK(start+I):BANK 1:POKE target+I,A:NEXT
*3 - Another idea could be using the common RAM area as intermediate buffer - not sure how well that might work from BASIC
*4 - I'm not sure, but it might be worth to take a look at using the 8563 RAM as buffer intermediate buffer.