I remember getting my Action Replay MKIII cartridge on my A500 in 1992, and from there I could remove protections (manual/code & physical) of a lot of games.
The MKI & MKII existed before 1991 but not before 1989. Also CPUs with a vector base register and/or a MMU (2 devices that help a lot when debugging) weren't available on the Amiga. Maybe with some early software monitor?
So how were earlier games which had intricate disk-based copy protection (like King's Quest I & II, which had Herdnon copy protection) cracked? (they were using multiple self-decrypting code and monitored/used the trace vector long before Rob Northen copylock, so without a VBR you couldn't follow it, and trap breakpoints were also impossible to set)
With modern tools like WinUAE emulator, we have everything at our disposal: save states, unlimited memory watchpoints & breakpoints, "stealth" capability (not being able to influence debugged program timings or behaviour in any way) which helps tremendously (not to mention that protections can be emulated by some raw floppy formats like IPF, SCP, ...), and even with those tools sometimes the task is time consuming and non-trivial.
But at the time, with really primitive tools, how was it done?
I'm looking for accurate software and/or hardware names.