As a youngster in 1994, I was the happy recipient of a V-Tech PreComputer ThinkBook.
The device had many built in games and activities, including a version of BASIC programming. It also had an expansion cartridge slot for additional activities - including a 'General Trivia 2' game that I had.
One cartridge I clearly remember seeing advertised for the device, but which I never owned, was a "32Kbyte Memory Expansion Cartridge".
While I can't find much info on the PreComputer ThinkBook directly, it seems incredibly similar to the V-Tech PreComputer 2000, which according to Wikipedia, has a similar Memory Expansion Cartridge.
Super Memory Expander (Stock Code: 80-1531) - 32Kbyte memory upgrade for BASIC programs
So any answer applicable to that device was likely the same for my ThinkBook. So I am wondering - what exactly did the memory upgrade do? How did adding 32k of memory improve upon the BASIC capabilities of the device?
What was the actual advantage to being able to write higher memory programs when the device didn't even have non-volatile storage? Unless perhaps the cartridge was non-volatile?
Did it provide any other functionality for the device?
So far I haven't been able to find an answer online, but I thought someone here perhaps had experience with the device / cartridge or similar.
Zednik ma Zizen
game around 40995 BYTES of BASIC code tape file on 48K RAM AX and in order to work it needed to use code packing techniques and be very conservative about variables ... normal BASIC programs would usually fail with half of that size