I'm travelling now to 1986, and trying the 2.0 version of QuickBasic on a 80286, emulated in PCem. (DOS version 3.2) So this question is not about QBASIC, but about QuickBasic.
All the books I find on QuickBasic are about 4.5. It's super hard to find any earlier ones. This is the only one I found, but it is about 1.01, and the scan is sloppy. (Some pages are in bad order, etc.) https://archive.org/details/microsoft-quick-basic-1.01-manual
If I use the manuals for 4.5, then I often run into either missing features or statements that were different in 2.0.
Now I discovered that I can use books written for late GW-Basic too, as the similarity is high. But I would love to find a full reference guide to QuickBasic 2.x. Many thanks!