I've known about a technique allowing to bootstrap arbitrary 16-bit x86 code from a subset of instructions representable as printable ASCII bytes since the early 1990s.

The first example of an ASCII executable I saw was a short text that could be prepended to a uuencoded file resulting in an MS-DOS .COM executable that would uudecode and probably run itself.

That one I couldn't find, but here's an example of a post reminiscing about x86 ASCII executables, with a few sample files to play with.

For example, an ASCII executable to convert .COM files to executable ASCII starts as follows:

T_OOWW3=XXWX5 2PY5w3P_-l.P-KD1Ep-OLPZ-pJP-pw40PQX5fsPu

What is the history of this technique? Was it invented for the x86 instruction set or earlier? Which existing instruction set architectures are known to allow it?

Seeing how many people have misinterpreted the question, a clarification:

The main usage of this trick was to publish binaries on USENET for people (or send them by e-mail to people) who don't use Unix and access "the cyberspace" from an MS-DOS machine. They may have no idea what uudecode is. With an ASCII-only executable the instructions are: copy the message in its entirety to a file, delete all lines up to and including the -- cut here -- line, rename the file to whatever.com (for example, uudecode.com) and run it.

In order for it to work, the file, which consists only of printable ASCII — bytes 10 (LF), 13 (CR), 32 to 126 (space to ~), and definitely no bytes with the high bit set (might not pass through e-mail/USENET), and no other control bytes, especially no ^Z — has to begin with a cleverly constructed sequence of machine commands that doesn't use any of the forbidden bytes yet manages to convert the rest of the text from ASCII to the binary intended to be executed.

Alternatively, using ASCII executables could be a way to enter machine code by typing it in more efficiently than hex.

So the question is, is it possible to have a similar converter for 8080/Z80, 6502, or another microcomputer platform, and if yes, has it been used and for what purposes, if not transmitting executables through e-mail?

  • 1
    There's some discussion of this for the Z80 in this Retrocomputing Forum thread.
    – cjs
    Commented Mar 4, 2020 at 8:12
  • shell archives (shar) for Unix was exactly this - executable text files which unpacked an arbitrary set of files. Commented Mar 7, 2020 at 11:49
  • 1
    @ThorbjørnRavnAndersen Are you sure that you have read the first statement of the question carefully enough to understand it correctly?
    – Leo B.
    Commented Mar 9, 2020 at 0:28
  • @LeoB. Apparently not. Are you sure that you have written the first statement of the question carefully enough for everyone to understand it the way you intend them to? Commented Mar 9, 2020 at 12:59
  • 1
    @ThorbjørnRavnAndersen Since Sep 7'17 you're likely the first person to misunderstand it. In general, people are expected to read questions in their entirety before answering or commenting.
    – Leo B.
    Commented Mar 10, 2020 at 2:13

8 Answers 8


If you go back a lot before the x86, this technique wasn't unusual at all. In fact, writing programs using printable letters and symbols was pretty much the norm for early computers, except that there was a number of encodings for words of varying bit size, and that encoding was not ASCII.


  • On the IBM 1401 (1959), a program that looked like

    ,008015,022029,036043,050054,055062,063065,069080/333/M0792502F1.065HELLO WORLD

    would print "HELLO WORLD". Here , (set word mark), / (clear storage), M (move) etc. were opcodes, and the rest was operands. Wikipedia has a list of characters and corresponding opcodes.

  • On the Olivetti P101 "desktop computer" (1965), a program like

    b ↑
    B ↑
    b ↓
    B ÷
    A ◇

    would read two numbers, divide them and print the result. More examples in the manual. This machine didn't even have character sets with all Latin letters.

  • There was another early computer where the poor programmers had to translate assembler instructions into two characters of a rather random teletype-like charset on papertape, because initially there was no proper assembler, so "writing gibberish" was actually the proper method to program this computer. Unfortunately, I can't remember at the moment which computer that was (will edit answer when I do).

And there's probably a lot more examples.

So the technique itself is quite old. Coming back to encoding machine language into ASCII, in principle, one can apply it to any kind of ISA, one just has to define what part of ASCII one considers as admissible, which part of the instructions set of the particular CPU they match, and then it becomes an exercise to encode what you want in this restricted manner.

  • 4
    The IBM 1401 instruction encoding was specifically designed to have its opcodes represented as printable characters, wasn't it? I'm asking about a way of converting arbitrary binary code into a directly executable ASCII file on platforms where the instruction set was designed without that reservation.
    – Leo B.
    Commented Sep 7, 2017 at 16:13
  • 3
    @LeoB. No, it wasn't. It used 6 bit bites (sp!) so each and every possible binary code was also a printable character. There was no need to specially design it that way, or seperate binary from printable ... these cathegories came up later.
    – Raffzahn
    Commented Sep 7, 2017 at 16:36
  • 1
    @LeoB. With 40 of the 64 combinations representing valid opcodes it's hard to belive your asumption. Also, until now I understood your question that it's about a file with only printable (or otherwise usual) characters used for text representation. If you now narrow this down to strict 7 bit ASCII, all machines using different codesets are out of question. Sounds not realy open and useful.
    – Raffzahn
    Commented Sep 7, 2017 at 17:10
  • 2
    @LeoB. Sure, but what you're telling now basicly contradicts your question. Originally you asked if about a history before x86, and now you want to restrict it to MS-DOS users? It would be great if you could make up your mind what you're asking.
    – Raffzahn
    Commented Sep 7, 2017 at 22:57
  • 3
    The Manchester Mark 1 was originally directly in teleprinter code - i.e., 5 bits on tape => 5 bits in memory.
    – dave
    Commented Mar 4, 2020 at 12:37

It was standard practice on the Sinclair ZX80 & ZX81 to put executable code into a REM statement at the beginning of a BASIC program.

REM statements are, of course, text comments, so this meets the spirit of your requirement for executable ASCII.

The ZX80 (1980) and ZX81 (1981) predate your question about the early 1990s by about 10 years and used the Z80 processor.

There is a guide on how to put executable code into REM statements here. Essentially poking assembler codes back into a reserved space.

This is just one example of the use of this technique. It was also used later in the 1980s on the BBC Micro. Small embedded subroutines were also put into REM statements on the HP9845, mostly to accelerate arithmetic calculations.

  • 5
    I don't know much about zx80 and zx81, but on zx spectrum putting code into REM is a standard practice. Obviously not every byte value is treated by zx spectrum basic as ASCII - some are basic tokens, some are control codes (for example, they change color of text) and some just break further printing of such REM comment. Therefore I doubt whether zx80 and zx81 used ONLY ascii subset to put code into REM comment.
    – lvd
    Commented Sep 7, 2017 at 9:32
  • 7
    @lvd The ZX-81 didn't use ASCII at all. It had a character set different from ASCII. But that's nit-picking.
    – tofro
    Commented Sep 7, 2017 at 10:02
  • 2
    Similarly, Atari BASIC allows code be inserted into a string variable and executed. This was a common way to add assembly routines to a BASIC program, allowing faster running BASIC programs.
    – Tim Locke
    Commented Sep 7, 2017 at 12:02
  • 1
    @TimLocke Also worth mentioning here that on the Atari 8-bit machines, it was possible to enter any byte from the keyboard — every byte was associated with a graphical character — so in that case it wasn't just ASCII.
    – al45tair
    Commented Sep 7, 2017 at 13:05
  • 1
    "Executable ASCII" is a sequence of ASCII characters that can be executed as machine instructions directly, without any pre-processing or conversion. Otherwise you can say that a C program is, of course, ASCII, and is, of course, executable.
    – Leo B.
    Commented Sep 7, 2017 at 16:00

Short Answer

It can be done in any environment that:

  1. Allows the remarking of data files into program files,
  2. Has a loader format that's either primitive enough or all readable
  3. Has a character set (doesn't have to be ASCII) that has a sufficient number of encodings that produce valid opcodes
  4. Has an address space layout that fits the possible encodings
  5. Necessary OS calls can be encoded (subset of 3.)

Numbers 4. and 5. can be circumvented depending on the machine, the OS and available text encodings.

Since some small machines have 256 printable characters, the difference between a binary and a text file is negligible anyway.

History here is a bit hard to grasp, as the necessity didn't arose in ye old days. Who needs tricks when you've got full access? But there was a somewhat similar situation for early mainframes - while there was a 'binary' mode for punch cards for many machines, one could also punch 'text' cards with encodings outside of the (usual) readable range. This worked, since the translation of 12 hole punch card code into 8 Bit EBCDIC worked according to fixed rules.

Remember, real men always had a handpunch near, or carry at least a porta-a-punch.

  • 4
    As an example, on a SPARC having a directly executable ASCII file is impossible, because almost every useful instruction would have a zero byte somewhere. Apart from having no control characters except CR and LF, another main characteristic of an ASCII text is that all bytes in it have the upper bit cleared, making it transparently transmissible on a network that can add or strip byte parity arbitrarily.
    – Leo B.
    Commented Sep 7, 2017 at 16:17
  • @LeoB. Hmm, I have a hard time to see the claim about lots of zero bytes when looking at SPARC encoding. Mind to explain? What is true is that all load/store instructions are in the 11 group, so it will need some realy nifty tricks to get anything working. Even syntesising will be hard, as data manipulation is within the 10 group. So SPARC will most likely fail due no.3 - unless using a different codeset, like EBCDIC, where all letters fall into 11 :)) (On a sidenote, whats the problem with zero bytes in ASCII text?)
    – Raffzahn
    Commented Sep 7, 2017 at 16:31
  • 1
    I was thinking about load/store instructions that have a wide offset field. The problem with zero (or other control) bytes in ASCII text is that early communication protocols or file systems could use them for their own purposes without escaping those existing in the text being transmitted or stored. The same goes for bytes with the high bit set.
    – Leo B.
    Commented Sep 7, 2017 at 17:02
  • 1
    Well, for having 'low' adresses, the thrich here would be the same as on a x86 machine You can't just load the an address like 0x0001 into a 16 bit x86 register, as it would generate a 16 bit constant with a zero byte as the second. Wouldn't it? So some secondary instructions to construct the address in a register (or memory) are needed anyway.
    – Raffzahn
    Commented Sep 7, 2017 at 17:32
  • "As an example, on a SPARC having a directly executable ASCII file is impossible" - @LeoB.: I guess, reformulating your question in a way "how to achieve ASCII-only machine code on ARM/MIPS/SPARC/etc." (somewhere on codegolf SO for example) would be only more useful than retrocomputing excavations. (I myself coming from a MIPS case where echo -e is not available on an embedded system, and wonder how I'd bootstrap my binary to such a system.)
    – pfalcon
    Commented Sep 23, 2018 at 22:31

I remember doing this on the university mainframe around 1975. This was on an ICL1904S. Note that the 1900 series had been around for more than 10 years at that time. I don't know when the feature came out but it had been around for some time.

You could list out any executable in card reader format. It would produce the executable in 6-bit characters in lines of 80 characters. Not really ASCII - the whole system ran on 6-bit a character set. These could then be embedded in the GEORGE 3/4 batch files.

It was absolutely brilliant because the uni ran a cleanup every 2-3 weeks. The OS would go through and delete all the executables and intermediate object files but it left the batch files alone, whatever their size.


For a slightly interesting twist on this concept, consider Control Data mainframes.

These beasts included not only a CPU, but a "peripheral processing unit" (PPU)1--and the CPU sent commands to the PPU via normal I/O channels.

The CPU was a 60-bit processor that used 6-bit character codes. The PPUs were 12-bit processors, so the CPU sent a stream of 2 characters to the PPU to send it commands. The PPU commands all required that the first character of the string be a 0.

In most CDC character sets (they had a few, since each one only supported 64 characters), a 0 character was a colon, and letters started at 1, so A=1, B=2, etc.

One semi-popular trick when I was in college was to get a user to execute a program that tried to print the string :D to the screen. As it happened, PPU command 4 was "log off user"...

  1. In the higher-end machines, this was officially a "peripheral processor" (PP) instead, but the concept remained essentially similar.
  • 1
    That's mean! :D
    – Leo B.
    Commented Sep 7, 2017 at 23:05
  • 1
    @LeoB.: No, it's median. :D Commented Sep 7, 2017 at 23:15
  • You're too generous. The lowest quartile at best.
    – Leo B.
    Commented Sep 7, 2017 at 23:37
  • @LeoB.: It was a pretty low blow, I'll give you that. Commented Sep 8, 2017 at 16:20
  • @JerryCoffin - reminds me of my days in pre-web internet chat, back when people were commonly connected to the internet over a modem link to a shell account, and trying to trick people into typing "+++" to kick their modems into command mode.
    – Jules
    Commented Sep 8, 2017 at 19:17

This certainly seems to be possible on the 6502. While several seemingly crucial instructions (like STA, STX and STY) exist only with the 8th bit set, it's still possible to construct arbitrary bytes in RAM using SEC with the read-modify-write forms of ROL, ROR and/or LSR, provided the RAM addresses are printable ASCII. The full set of ADC/EOR/AND opcodes are also available to speed up construction of arbitrary bytes, then both JMP and JSR are available, as are BPL, BVC, BVS.

It's straightforward to see how this could be used to construct a small program in zero-page, which could in turn accept hex digits or even Base64, and translate that into a full program.

  • Does that mean it would be possible to type in something like 'SYS nnn : REM CODEHERE' where nnn is the address of the CODEHERE string in the basic input buffer?
    – Arc
    Commented Mar 4, 2020 at 23:12
  • @Arc Maybe, depending on details of the BASIC interpreter in question. But if you have a BASIC interpreter available, you might as well use that to do the conversion from an ASCII string.
    – Chromatix
    Commented Mar 5, 2020 at 2:29

The first example of an ASCII executable you saw is in the Google Usenet archive here

  • 1
    This doesn't seem to answer the question. It would be better as a comment.
    – Tomas By
    Commented Mar 4, 2020 at 7:06
  • Right. Or you could also simple edit the question to add a link, if that's the original source.
    – cjs
    Commented Mar 4, 2020 at 7:51
  • That's very likely it, given that I was a regular on comp.compression then.
    – Leo B.
    Commented Mar 5, 2020 at 8:22

Is 1949 early enough?

The Manchester Mark 1 had 20-bit wide instructions which were conventionally written as four 5-bit characters using a variation on teleprinter code which Alan Turing adapted for the purpose by replacing control codes with printable characters so that all instructions and data could be written as text.

One might suggest this is cheating because all machine code can be written in e.g. hexadecimal to avoid ASCII control codes, or because it's not ASCII (which didn't exist until the 1960s). However, since the entire point of the exercise was to be able to enter text which can be executed directly, it surely counts.

Similar adaptations of ASCII also exist, e.g. ye olde CP437 which has glyphs for all 256 values. Some very large C=64 programs also shove code and data into the text-mode buffer (what with it being the only spare memory left) and you can watch the PETSCII characters twinkle on the screen as it executes.

  • The entire point was to be able to bootstrap arbitrary binary executable code on a byte-oriented instruction set architecture using just the standard printable ASCII subset (bytes 0x0A, optionally 0x0D, and 0x20-0x7e).
    – Leo B.
    Commented Jul 9, 2020 at 21:31

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