I am old enough to remember computers that were not octet oriented. E.g. the first that I used was an ICL 4120. It had 24 bit words which were, when necessary, divided into four 6-bit characters. There were operations to support extracting the 6 bit characters from the words. There were no corresponding operations to extract three 8 bit sub-units.
I am excluding computers which can address memory in octets even if their word size is larger e.g. 16, 32, 64, etc.
To narrow down the question and exclude specialized chips, I will require that the computer be capable of some level of text I/O to a human, more than just a limited set of fixed messages.
Do any remain in production? If not which was the last? Two interpretations of last are interesting: the last to be launched and the last to remain on sale (as new). I am not asking for the last to be used as that is probably an impossible question.