I still own my very first computer - a Panasonic JB 3000. The keyboard it came with now has many faulty keys. It has reached the stage where I can no longer use the computer, because I can't type. I would like to buy (or possibly even solder up) an adapter which will allow me to use a more modern keyboard with the computer. Unfortunately the computer and its existing keyboard uses a 6 Pin DIN connector:
The JB-3000 was released around 1983 and was a PC clone. However it seems that the IBM-PC it was based off used a 5 Pin DIN for its keyboards. It also looks like the JB-3000's keyboard doesn't match the layout of the 84 model F keyboard in use with the original IBM-PC.
My questions are:
Does anyone know anything about these 6 Pin DIN keyboards?
Would it be electrically compatible with a any other type of keyboard, for example the Model F, or the Model M?
Is there any way I can adapt another keyboard to run with my JB 3000?
Note: This is a cross post from SuperUser, it was suggested I ask here.