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21 votes
3 answers

Z80 to x86 asm translator?

8086 is source code compatible with 8080. Zilog Z80 extended Intel 8080 with: An enhanced instruction set including bit manipulation, block move, block I/O, and byte search instructions New IX and IY ...
Schezuk's user avatar
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8080 vs. 8086 - Are 16 Bit CPUs bloaty by nature?

In comments to a parallel question (Why was IBM BASIC so Huge?) one point discussed is code density of 8 vs. 16 bit CPUs. Some assumptions were that 16-bit must be more bloaty due to its need for an ...
Raffzahn's user avatar
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The start of x86: Intel 8080 vs Intel 8086?

Why is it said that all modern Intel processors of the x86 family are said to descend from the Intel 8086 and not the Intel 8080? From the Wikipedia article on the Intel 8086, The 8086 gave rise to ...
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