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Questions tagged [binary-translation]

Binary translation looks at a short sequence of code—typically on the order of a single basic block—then translates it and caches the resulting sequence. Code is only translated as it is discovered and when possible, and branch instructions are made to point to already translated and saved code (memoization).

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2 votes
3 answers

Z80 to 68000 translator for CP/M

CP/M was mostly portable across systems but most of them were z80 based. It was ported to 8086, 68000 and maybe more but without binary compatibility. No z80 systems that wanted CP/M compatibility ...
Valentino Miazzo's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Which part of a computer does the conversion between binary to hexadecimal? [closed]

I know most computer architecture store data in binary in drives/storage, but i'm unsure where in a computer (x86, etc) does the conversion/interpretation of binary (base2) to hexadecimal (base16) ...
Nordine Lotfi's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Did the transmeta processor architecture work by binary translation?

Transmeta Corporation produced the Transmeta Crusoe Processor architecture. (Transmeta was also famous for having Linus Torvalds work there at the time.) We can see from the wikipedia article that ...
hawkeye's user avatar
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