Questions tagged [gui]

Graphical user interfaces generally; use with the particular environment’s tag as appropriate.

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125 votes
3 answers

Why does part of the Windows 98 Setup program look older than the rest?

When installing Windows 98, the part of the setup process where you enter things like product details looks... different. The scrollbars, buttons, title bar and such look more like they belong in ...
Wander Nauta's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

When did the floppy disk icon become the standard symbol for the “save” function in user interfaces?

The floppy disk icon is a widely recognized symbol in user interfaces, typically representing the “save” function. Screenshot depicting a floppy disk as "save" icon When did the floppy disk ...
Avalon Sinclair's user avatar
38 votes
3 answers

What did AOL use for pre-web GUI client?

AOL was a big early Internet service provider, and of course by the late nineties, the most popular Internet protocol was the web; most users spent most of their Internet time in a web browser. But if ...
rwallace's user avatar
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