Questions tagged [licensing]

For questions relating to the licensing of retrocomputing hardware and software

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What were the licensing terms for The Hobbit? [closed]

The Hobbit was a 1982 illustrated text adventure game released initially on the Spectrum, based on the Tolkien novel of the same name. According to Unlike ...
rwallace's user avatar
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1 answer

is it possible to renew a solaris license for an Sun ultra workstation

I have an old Sun Ultra workstation from early 2000s, running Solaris with an IDE called sparcworks. I'm trying to revive it (I have some numerical analysis libraries I want to retrieve and re-use), ...
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7 answers

When and why did "Public Domain" software releases give way to "Open Source"?

Free software, sometimes including source, has been a common feature of computing for as long as I can remember, and probably longer. But the terminology and "legalese" seemed to change at some point. ...
Brian H's user avatar
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34 votes
7 answers

Are there vintage or historical bitmapped fonts available for non-commercial use?

I'm looking for a source for one or a few 1-bit black-or-white bitmapped fonts used in the past, available in a set of sizes. Current incarnations might be available for large LED displays, but those ...
uhoh's user avatar
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2 answers

Open source, non-GPL SID emulator

I am looking for a SID emulator that is open source, but not GPL. In particular, I am looking for something with a license that allows me to link it to a closed-source program; and also one that ...
Cactus's user avatar
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2 answers

Were any unlicensed games released for the Nintendo 64?

There haven't been many unlicensed games released for Nintendo consoles, partly due to the fact that Nintendo has locked down their development hardware and software. The most famous of Nintendo's ...
JAL's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Is WinWorldPC legal? [closed]

I'm sure a lot of us have come across WinWorldPC online. With the valuable resources that it has for obsolete systems, is it actually legal? For example, I could download almost any Windows system I ...
Retro Gamer's user avatar
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32 votes
7 answers

Is it legal to download ROM images from shared or internet archives? [closed]

Is it generally legal to download older ROM images of commercial software and games for non-commercial use in a retro computing system (emulated or otherwise)? (Note that this question implies no ...
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28 votes
5 answers

Why are Windows 95 installation disks not uniquely bound to a single product key?

I was installing the OEM version of Windows 95 on VirtualBox the other day for reminiscence sake, and for some reason I had two different product keys. I tested both of them to see which one mapped to ...
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