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Questions tagged [vga]

For questions related to VGA signals, sources or receivers

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19 votes
7 answers

What video connections were common in Europe?

What video connections were common on European TVs and monitors during the "retro" era? In the USA, first there were none on TVs (RF screw terminals only) and monitors had composite (yellow RCA, CVBS)...
snips-n-snails's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

For fast scrolling DOS games, when was Mode13h preferred over Mode X?

Back in the DOS days of gaming (more specifically, 80286 - 80486 era), developers typically needed to choose between using the chunky and easier Mode 13h or the more complex "Mode X" that provided ...
cbmeeks's user avatar
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39 votes
4 answers

Why were those colors chosen to be the default palette for 256-color VGA?

Although subjective, I believe I'm not the only one considering default VGA 256 color palette to be hideous and ugly. What is the story behind this, why were these particular colors chosen?
tuomas's user avatar
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28 votes
7 answers

How did DOS games manage to have multiple background layers?

Seems like VGA only has one background layer, it appears to be a typical bitmap screen like most home computers of the 80s (Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64 etc.) where each pixel's color is stored in a ...
puppydrum64's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

Do all VGA cards implicitly support CGA and EGA?

Practically speaking, if I buy an ISA VGA card, will it implicitly support CGA and EGA games?
Sydius's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

With a 15 kHz video signal (240p or 480i), does VGA have any real-world advantage over S-Video?

It's difficult to find a modern LCD monitor that can display a 15 kHz signal through VGA, so I'm wondering if S-Video is just as good when displaying 240p and 480i? I've looked at screenshot and video ...
snips-n-snails's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Why does PC video memory base address change depending on video mode?

It is rather well-known that, with VGA-compatible PC video adapters, in black-and-white text modes video memory is available at linear address 0xB0000, in colour text mode at address 0xB8000, while in ...
user3840170's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

What DOS games used Mode X as described by Michael Abrash?

In Michael Abrash's Graphics Programming Black Book, many chapters are dedicated to fast drawing of primitives, fills and copies using the 320x240 256-colour Mode X. What MS-DOS games used Mode X? ...
Carr's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

Invert LCD screen in DOS 5.0

Would like to run "black on white" software on a DOS machine with an LCD screen, so am wondering if there are any TSR tools, or similar, for inverting the screen. I believe it is grey scale VGA, not ...
Tomas By's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Why VGA framebuffer was limited to 64kB window?

VGA framebuffer was fixed to 64kB at A0000h. Right after that there’s MDA/CGA framebuffer at B0000h. I am not sure, but I recall VGA did have to support CGA and its framebuffer, but was there any ...
tuomas's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

What is the best option to connect old computer to modern TV

I was exploring different options of connecting both my Atari ST and C64 to a modern TV. I opted for a composite signal passed through a cheap AV to VGA converter, and although the display works, ...
Bartek Malysz's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Were VGA palette's HSV math properties used in practice?

In "Why were those colors chosen to be the default palette for 256-color VGA?", we've established that 216 of its colors represent a 24x3x3 truncated HSV color space. This results in an ...
Therac's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Commodore monitor to VGA or HDMI

I have this monitor, which I think is a Commodore 64 monitor. I would like to connect it to a pc. Anyone know how to convert VGA or HDMI to this connector format? I've tried searching, but so far I'...
Gertsen's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Atari 1040ST AV video output - blurred and jagged vertical edges

I have an AV cable that connects Atari 1040STE with a AV to VGA converter. For some reason the vertical edges are not sharp, rather jagged or pixelated. I red that old atari would have an issue with ...
Bartek Malysz's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

VGA controller for my W65C02 computer

I´m planning to build a small computer system, based on the W65C02 from Western Design Center. This computer system should also have a VGA interface with a graphic and a text mode, defined with the ...
Kampi's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Thinking through the design of a TTL video card: what memory chips and how to manage memory? [closed]

Inspired by Ben Eater's "Let's build a video card" aka "World's worst video card" two part projects on YouTube, I was inspired to consider designing a display adapter for my passive backplane TTL mini-...
Gunther Schadow's user avatar