List of Intel 8086-compatible CPUs?
Well, there are many lists, just take a look at Wikipedia, which offers for example
List of all Intel CPU
List of all AMD CPU
While they also include some non x86, the majority in both are 8086 ...
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8086 × 60assembly × 13
ms-dos × 11
8088 × 10
intel × 9
x86 × 7
history × 4
ibm-pc × 4
emulation × 4
cpu × 4
memory-layout × 4
instruction-set × 4
8080 × 3
microprocessor × 3
interrupt × 3
undocumented-opcodes × 3
io × 3
c × 2
80286 × 2
debugging × 2
binary-coded-decimal × 2
segmentation × 2
hardware × 1
programming × 1
z80 × 1