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11 votes

Connecting a Vintage Monochrome Monitor to a Modern PC

Does anyone know hard or time consuming it would be to achieve this? Assuming you have a modern PC with VGA out, or you can put in a graphics card with VGA out, it's not hard at all, if you know a ...
dirkt's user avatar
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9 votes

Connecting a Vintage Monochrome Monitor to a Modern PC

The Apple IIc monitor (A2M4043) mentioned in the question takes a composite video signal. Some older laptops and graphics cards output composite or S-Video either directly or through a breakout cable. ...
snips-n-snails's user avatar
8 votes

How did Apple IIc daughtercard expansions work?

All the Apple //c machines from September 1986 onward have an additional 34-pin header on the motherboard designed for memory expansion boards. Apple offered their own expansion board which support up ...
Brian H's user avatar
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7 votes

How was the second bank of Apple IIc ROM accessed?

So how does one switch between the two banks of ROM, and to where is the second bank mapped? They used $C028, one of the 'reserved' $C02x region (*1). With the IIc ROM "1" it became "Toggle between ...
Raffzahn's user avatar
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6 votes

Connecting a Vintage Monochrome Monitor to a Modern PC

VGA was a huge and very bold rejection of NTSC! TLDR of this whole history section: VGA and NTSC have nothing to do with each other. VGA was a blank-sheet design that smashed NTSC limitations with ...
Harper - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
5 votes

Apple IIc making grinding sounds when accessing disks beyond normal clicks

The sound you hear is when DOS detects an error with reading/writing the disk and is trying to re-align the drive head by pushing it to the far ends. This is a pretty normal behavior, but usually ...
bjb's user avatar
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5 votes

Laser fd-100 Stepper motor vibrates

After hitting reset, try typing CALL -151, and then typing each of the following at the monitor prompt on a line by itself: C0E9 C0E1 C0E0 C0E3 C0E2 C0E5 C0E4 C0E7 C0E6 C0E1 C0E0 C0E3 C0E2 C0E5 C0E4 ...
supercat's user avatar
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5 votes

How did Apple IIc daughtercard expansions work?

Z-RAM installs into the CPU and MMU sockets of the IIc (the chips have to be removed from the motherboard and placed on the Z-RAM). The memory expansion connector that later IIcs have is not used. ...
tofro's user avatar
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4 votes

Getting garbled text when using ADTPro with Apple IIc and serial connection

It turns out the issue lied in the IIc null modem cable. After receiving a replacement, the connection worked perfectly and I was able to immediately load ADTPro via the bootstrapping process.
Idrees's user avatar
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4 votes

Apple IIc making grinding sounds when accessing disks beyond normal clicks

The startup sound on the Disk II is produced by a simple ROM routine which repeatedly strobes addresses $C0E7 to $C0E0 in descending order with a fixed amount of delay between. Each time the whole ...
supercat's user avatar
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4 votes

Connecting a Vintage Monochrome Monitor to a Modern PC

Creating a composite signal for a monochrome monitor should be quite easy. I remember using 4 or 5 resistors to mix green, brightness, HSync and VSync from a 9-pin EGA output to construct a perfectly ...
fraxinus's user avatar
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3 votes

Connecting a Vintage Monochrome Monitor to a Modern PC

Raspberry Pi has composite video out built in. There's a QA here which has details relevant to configuration. One of those with the appropriate adapter/cable may be the easiest way to get that old-...
Paul's user avatar
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1 vote

Connecting a Vintage Monochrome Monitor to a Modern PC

There are some solutions you could try. You can search for a monochrome VGA (actually they are multisync monitors. Search on ebay for an IBM 4707 or an IBM 8503/8504 for that 90s look. While you are ...
Michele L'Intenditore's user avatar

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