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-2 votes

What was the name of the object-oriented C language I used in the 1980s on the Mac

AFAIK, it was Objective-C that had widespread use on NeXT (that was eventually absorbed by Apple).
Paul J. Lucas's user avatar
1 vote

Why did Borland ignore the Macintosh market?

Well I set up and run Ashton*Tates European Macintosh software, Translation and QA Department. Who you ask? Well late 80's they were bigger than Microsoft or as big. Dbase Anyone? They had put ...
Anthony Lambert's user avatar
29 votes

Why did Borland ignore the Macintosh market?

I asked Phillippe Kahn when he visited Microsoft in the mid 1990s. He said the Mac market share was just too small for them to devote many resources to Mac software, and that they frequently ...
tomcam's user avatar
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48 votes

Why did Borland ignore the Macintosh market?

Why did Borland ignore the Macintosh market? It didn't. There was a short lived Turbo Pascal 1.0 (as UncleBod mentions). Even before Turbo Pascal, Borland ported Sidekick as well as their Reflex ...
Raffzahn's user avatar
  • 231k

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