General profile:
Software engineer in fintech. Background includes a PhD in Mathematics and postdoctoral work. Main programming language is Python.
StackExchange forces your network profile to sync a site account, so here's my (outdated) AskUbuntu profile:
I enjoy using Ubuntu (sans Unity) and think open-source software will, and should, play a more dominant role in normal people's lives, but I am far from a Linux advocate. Or to put it another way, I'm more like a Linus than a Stallman.
Perhaps I'm the only one amused by this, but my most popular answers relate to opening magnet links from a web browser.
I like using the Awesome window-manager. Many questions about Awesome can be resolved by perusing a more experienced user's rc.lua
Most recently, I've been trying out i3, but I think I'll stick with Awesome as my main environment.