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Martin Rosenau's user avatar
Martin Rosenau's user avatar
Martin Rosenau
  • Member for 6 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Germany
32 votes

Why did the Z80 with 4-bit ALU out-perform the fully 8-bit Intel 8080?

30 votes

Did any RISC CPU ever take more than one clock cycle per instruction?

29 votes

Why was the Sega Genesis marketed as a 16-bit console?

19 votes

Why did the TRS-80 CPU have priority over the display?

15 votes

Why is the Intel 8086 CPU called a 16-bit CPU?

14 votes

C64 cartridge emulation with ATmega

12 votes

Why did computer video outputs go from digital to analog, then back to digital?

10 votes

Why are first four x86 General Purpose Registers named in such unintuitive order?

9 votes

Did MS-DOS itself ever use blinking text?

9 votes

8080 vs. 8086 - Are 16 Bit CPUs bloaty by nature?

9 votes

Purpose of turbo switch on systems unable to slow to 4.77 MHz?

7 votes

Why didn't the Acorn Archimedes support general purpose co-processors?

7 votes

Allocate 64 KiB in Watcom C 16-bit DOS

7 votes

What is the basic logic behind the setting or ordering of keys in a keyboard?

7 votes

What's the purpose of HOLD command in 6502 stack pointer

5 votes

Are there any known viruses for CP/M?

5 votes

What did the 'turbo' button actually do?

5 votes

How to make Microsoft C for MS-DOS emit an immediate-target far call into the data segment?

4 votes

Why were the PlayStation 2 CPU and GPU initially separate chips?

3 votes

How does a floppy drive identify the first and last sectors and tracks?

3 votes

Did terminals (e.g. VT100) require a terminal driver on the host computer?

3 votes

How to image a RLL or MFM hard disk on an XT class PC

3 votes

How big is a mainframe?

3 votes

What don't I understand about this LR35902 code?

2 votes

Can Access Fault Exceptions of the MC68040 caused by internal access faults occur in normal situations?

2 votes

How can I create a pipe for stdin/stdout of (or in C or a batch file?

2 votes

What 8-bit microcomputer systems multiplexed multiple physical ports on a single controller?

2 votes

Why did IBM System /360 have byte addressable RAM, but didn't have 8 bits registers

1 vote

Why did CP/M and MS-DOS use the BIOS instead of their own drivers to access hardware?

1 vote

Security Issues with Bootable Games