In a modern machine we would express this as a number of bits, "this processor is a 64-bit design". In the case of the analytical engine, it used decimals, not bits, and had 40 digits. For comparison, it was common on early 8-bit machinesmicroprocessors to perform math in "binary coded decimal", often with two decimal digits stored as 4-bit values in a single byte (the "packed" format). Thus, to represent the same numbers as the engine, you would need 20 bytes. Typical BASIC interpreters of the era, like those found in the Commodore line, used 9-byte formats, so the Engine offered much more precision.
At the bottom right, within the machine, you can see a large gear facing the front. This is the main power input, connected to a common driveshaft. This is the equivalent to the clock signal in a modern processor. The speed of the machine is basically how fast you turn that shaft, which is limited at the top end by how quickly the bits can move without breaking or stripping teeth off the gears.
That driveshaft is connected to both the vertical shafts of the accumulator, as well as the large shaft running horizontally along the bottom front of the machine. Along the shaft at the bottom you can see a number of odd bumpy-shaped disks arranged at right angles to the vertical rods, running along a large shaft. These take the place of the clock drivers in a modern processor. As the shaft turns, the arms resting on top of the disks are raised and lowered, which connects and disconnects gearing under the vertical shafts.
This is identical in purpose to the diode network that controls the operation of the functional units in early microprocessors.
Note that the shaft is driven by the large gear you can see Depending on the right end. This connects it toholes in the main driveshaftassociated punch cards, which connectsthese disks will be rotated to mosta particular position, connecting or disconnecting the rest of the partssystem from the main driveshaft. The speeddriveshaft then continues turning and will manipulate those bits of the machine is basically how fast you turn that shaftare still connected.
So, for instance, let's say you want to add the value on one of the rods in the 1,000-word store to the value in the accumulator. The Engine did this in steps, it was a "fetch/execute/store" design.
Now you do the execute, in this case an ADD
. This is a card that re-connects the drive shaft to the accumulator, spins that set of disks on the front, and then makes both the store and accumulator shafts start turning. They turn until the store shaft has made one complete spin, but the digits stop turning when they get to zero, so in that complete spin a disk that was originally set to 1, which is 36 degrees, causes the same disk in the accumulator to spin the same amount. But that disk in the accumulator might have already held a value, so presto, you've added the value 1 to that digit in the accumulator.
Consider if the ALU'saccumulator's first digit (the top one IIRC) was 9 and you add 1. This has to make the next digit go up by one as well. This is easy, you have a pin on the bottom of the disk that hits a similar pin the disk below it and spins it one location. This had been used for years in previous mechanical calculators. Ahh, but consider what has to happen when the ALU holds 9999999.... that top gear has to spin all the ones under it! The amount of force goes way up, and that is a Bad Thing for a machine with thousands of spinning parts. The design had a way to solve this, I seem to recall it used a separate set of carry bits that were added at the end of the cycle?
Connected to the other side of the store was an output system consisting of a printer and a bell. I believe the series of horizontal rectangular rods about half way up the machine are used for this connection. One of the instructions connected the store to the printer instead of the accumulator, so you could print the value. When the program was complete, you told it to ring the bell.