"Flat model" is simply unsegmented linear address space (3.2.1).
This is processor's definition of flat model. And OS defines flat memory model, "tiny" memory model, as well.
(in my own experience, I never felt flatness in "tiny" model")
If I stand processor's definition - when you particularly say Real-mode flat model, I guess that's unprotected mode (= real mode) with linear widen address space (up to 4GB).
Once you entered protected mode, set GDT up, then you return to real mode. That's it.
- It depends. Today I answer 'NO' for 1st of the questions. Because one segment's extendable up to 32bit (4GB) in 386. If "rela mode flat model" means "tiny"-memory model and it's only on 16bit-processor, this answer was YES.
- Yes. A x86 16bit processor has linear address space up to 1MB (if A20line is asserted). But an address area where's accessible w/o segmentation is only 64KB because almost such processors don't support a segment descriptor. Note that 286, 16bit processor, can enter to protected mode.
- If I stand Intel's definition of "flat" model, a samples is memtest86+ https://www.memtest.org/ . freedos may be for real mode segmented model. PC-UNIXs are protected mode segment model. protected mode flat model's sample is ... some RTOS? I don't know.
memtest86+ head.s:
first 4 entries of GDT are 4GB-wide:
GDT, Global Descriptor Table is the table of segment descriptor, {BASE, PAGES, MODE}.
The entry's pointed by segment register, and now segment register is NOT a apart of effective address.
.quad 0x0000000000000000 /* NULL descriptor */
.quad 0x0000000000000000 /* not used */
.quad 0x00cf9b000000ffff /* 0x10 main 4gb code at 0x000000 */
.quad 0x00cf93000000ffff /* 0x18 main 4gb data at 0x000000 */
returning to real mode. and all segment registers are unified.
/* Disable Paging and protected mode */
/* clear the PG & PE bits of CR0 */
movl %cr0,%eax
andl $~((1 << 31)|(1<<0)),%eax
movl %eax,%cr0
/* make intersegment jmp to flush the processor pipeline
* and reload %cs:%eip (to clear upper 16 bits of %eip).
ljmp *(realptr - RSTART)
/* we are in real mode now
* set up the real mode segment registers : %ds, %ss, %es, %gs, %fs
movw %cs, %ax
movw %ax, %ds
movw %ax, %es
movw %ax, %fs
movw %ax, %gs
movw %ax, %ss