I was hoping, that someone could help me find the name of the operating system that was originally (I guess) used on the 80286 (the later ones with 12MHz).
Before I eventually installed DOS-5.0 and later on DOS-6.2 and Windows 3.0 there was an operating system installed that was already graphical and supported a mouse:
The home screen was split into 4 parts. You could choose between
- an editor like nano on Linux
- a program similar to Microsofts Paint
- a game that was a little like minesweeper but with bees
- a learning center which was basically some kind of Powerpoint presentation
All this information is just what I remember (I guess I was around 7 or 8 years old, the computer was a gift from my aunt that worked for IBM).
I'd be super happy if I could find this OS.