I was exploring different options of connecting both my Atari ST and C64 to a modern TV.
I opted for a composite signal passed through a cheap AV to VGA converter, and although the display works, there is this crawling dot problem, which as I understand is specific to the composite signal output itself.
Atari 1040ST AV video output - blurred and jagged vertical edges
Since then I spoke with few people who recommended getting RGB SCART cable with a SCART to HDMI converter, however on of the reputable sellers on ebay advised it will not work:
This youtuber compared few options and concluded the best output will be passed using ST to vga, then vga to hdmi using simple direct cable mod.
I'm looking for a best solution that will not ruin my pocket (going over £60) but will give a clear, sharp image on a modern display.
Can you suggest some parts, please? If I understand correctly not all converters are the same, there are also scallers? Are there any particular characteristics of a component to look for?
My monitors and TVs can accept VGA, DVI and HDMI only.