I am working on a loading screen, and what I wanted was a simple raster trick (just change the border colour on the bottom half of the screen), and also call the KERNAL to load some more data from a disk. Easy peasy, right?
Here is my code. It loads with LOAD"*",8,1
; The following is a short BASIC program;
; 10 SYS 2304
; and causes the machine to jump to the machine code include later on.
; 2304 decimal is 900 hex.
.byt $01, $08, $0C, $08, $0A, $00, $9E, $20
.byt $32, $33, $30, $34, $00, $00, $00
; Fill up with no-ops until the start of the program.
.dsb 242,$EA
* = $0900
; Turn BASIC off but leave KERNAL and IO on.
lda #$36
sta $01
; Enable raster interrupt signals from VIC
lda #%00000001
sta $d01a
; Set the irqserve routine to start when raster line 0 hits.
lda #0
sta $d012
lda #<irqserve
sta $0314
lda #>irqserve
sta $0315
; enable interrupts again
; Infinite loop.
jmp stop
As you can see, it ends in an infinite loop, which means the program should end there, right? That's not how this program behaves. This program will eventually return the user to the BASIC prompt. I'm trying to figure out why, and the problem appears to be in the routine irqserve
; Look at the raster counter to see how far down the screen we are
lda $d012
beq bluborder
cmp #116
bcc blackborder
jmp irqend
lda #$01
; change border colour
sta $d020
; Next interrupt should fire at raster line 116.
lda #116
sta $d012
jmp irqend
lda #$00
; change border colour
sta $d020
; Next interrupt should fire at raster line 0.
sta $d012
But what I can't figure out though is what to do at the end of my interrupt handler. Should it jump back to the KERNAL? Or do rti
or rts