I am working on a project to try and replace the samples in some old arcade game hardware which uses either the NEC μPD7756 or μPD7759 chips and have been unable to find much information about the specifics of the ADPCM algorithm NEC used. These chips were also used in a number of other applications, including telephony and aircraft warning call-out systems.
These chips are emulated in the MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulation) project but they only decode, not encode, and I haven't been able to determine whether it is possible to derive an encoding solution from just the decoder. There are a very wide range of ADPCM schemes in commercial use but none of the available codecs that I've found in FLOSS software is able to generate a ADPCM sample that will play back correctly with the NEC chips.
Does anyone have any knowledge of these chips or how the ADPCM algorithm differed from some of the commercial ones like Dialogic, OKI or Yamaha? I am asking this question here as it straddles retrocomputing/programming/electronics and figured that RC.SE might be a good place to ask, but please accept my apologies if it's not appropriate.
Thank you in advance for any help or advice.