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4 answers

First free and open source assembler and linker for i386 targeting and running on Win32

I'm looking for the first free and open source assembler and linker for i386 targeting and running on Win32. My requirements are: It has to be able to build a Win32 PE .exe from assembly source, the ...
pts's user avatar
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When did the 386 overtake the 286?

The Intel 80386 was released in 1985, but was initially expensive, and took a long time to fully displace the earlier 80286 from the market; subjectively, I remember significant numbers of 286 ...
rwallace's user avatar
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What's the heritage of 80286? [closed]

80186 introduced some instructions for HLL features. 80286 introduced some instructions for protected mode, and provided some multitasking ability with external MMU which was never intended for PCs ...
Schezuk's user avatar
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First 386 PC on sale in the UK

In the early days of personal computers, there was something of a delay in the technology crossing the Atlantic, and when American computers did arrive in the UK, they tended to be expensive relative ...
rwallace's user avatar
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