I have questions regarding some x86 instructions that were documented for the 80386 and later x86 CPUs, but not for earlier chips.

  • "OR reg/mem16, immed8" (0x83/1) "AND reg/mem16, immed8" (0x83/4) and "XOR reg/mem16, immed8" (0x83/6) These opcodes are "not used" on 8086/8088 according to this manual: https://edge.edx.org/c4x/BITSPilani/EEE231/asset/8086_family_Users_Manual_1_.pdf page 4-31 (but the meaning of "not used" is unclear). Old assemblers seem to avoid generating these, even if this means a four-byte instruction instead of a three-byte one (except for AX).

  • XLAT with a segment override prefix: Manuals for 8086 and 80286 only mention that it uses the DS register. It was first mentioned in the 80386 manual that it accepts segment prefixes.

Does somebody have any information on what these instructions actually do on CPUs where they are undocumented (8086/8088/80286/NEC V20)?

  • 3
    There are plenty of resources about undocumented 8086 opcodes per se (<os2museum.com/wp/undocumented-8086-opcodes-part-i> surveys some, for example), but under the constraint that those are documented for the 80386? I doubt you’ll find much. Commented Jun 5, 2021 at 8:01
  • 7
    Fun one: REP IMUL inverts the sign of the multiply result.
    – Joshua
    Commented Jun 5, 2021 at 17:46

5 Answers 5


Let's try it on real hardware...

I ran some of these on a vintage Turbo XT with a real V20, here are the results.

TLDR? Conclusion:

  • AAM imm8 - works the same as 8088, where second byte is used as divisor.
  • AAD imm8 - does not work the same as 8088, second byte is not used and 0x0A is always used.
  • LODSB with segment override - works the same as 8088, segment override for index register can be CS:[SI] or ES:[SI].
  • STOSB with segment override - does not accept segment overrides (which is the same as 8088).
  • XLAT with segment override - works the same as 8088, segment override for base address can be CS:[BX] or ES:[BX].
  • SALC (0xD6) - does not work like 8088. Sets AL to 0xCD with CF and AL to 0x00 with NC.

Test methodology:

First, AAM imm8 (D4 xx):

enter image description here

Works the same as 8088, where second byte is used as divisor.

Correct: 0x55 / 0xA = 8, 0x55 % 0xA = 5

Correct: 0x55 / 0x10 = 5, 0x55 % 0x10 = 5

AAD imm8 (D5 xx):

enter image description here

No matter the second byte, the operation always uses 0xA producing 0x0037 when AL is 0x55.

LODSB with segment override (LODS BYTE PTR CS:[SI] in MASM syntax):

enter image description here

Works the same as 8088, where ES: and CS: are used.

STOSB with segment overrides:

enter image description here

The byte is always written to ES:DI, at 3000:200 in this example, the segment override is ignored. This is consistent with documentation, though wanted to test since there was an earlier comment about string operations and segment overrides.

XLAT with segment override (XLAT ES:[BX] or XLAT CS:[BX] in MASM syntax):

enter image description here

In the above I picked an arbitrary value of 0x200 for the base address (BX) and put unique values for that offset at each segment (DS, ES and CS). So:

  • DS:0200 contains 01 02
  • CS:0200 contains 03 04
  • ES:0200 contains 05 06

Calling ES: XLAT when AL=0 should load the value at ES:0200 which is 05, and it does as expected. If segment override was ignored it would have loaded 01.

Likewise CS: XLAT when AL=1 should load the value at CS:0201 which is 04, and also does as expected. If segment override was ignored it would have loaded 02.

Based on this, segment overrides for XLAT on a V20 do seem to work consistent with the 808x.


Confirmed on real hardware that SALC does NOT work on V20 (lest there be any doubt).

  • 5
    stosb is documented as not accepting a segment override; all default uses of es in string operations cannot be overridden. (scasb is the same, movsb and cmpsb allow an override but it only affects the ds:si operand, not the es:di one.)
    – ecm
    Commented Jun 6, 2022 at 16:20

They behave like aliases for the documented instructions. They are present and functionally equivalent. There's also SALC (D6 but not on the NEC), ICEBP (F1), string instructions using ES: override; and AAM and AAD accepting values other than 10, though those last two are fairly obvious.

  • 7
    I suspect that during the design process, it wasn't clear whether it would be easier to have microcode that would treat the operand as an 8-bit value, treat the operand as a 4-bit value, or always perform the operation in a manner suitable for the value 10. Specifying the opcode has having a second-byte value of 0x0A accommodates all of those possibilities.
    – supercat
    Commented Jun 5, 2021 at 16:25

In the days of "no unnecessary transistors allowed", it was common to simply let the decoding logic do whatever it naturally did in cases that weren't intended to have defined behavior. The 6502 was particularly notorious. At the same time, designers often wanted the possibility of using those cases for new behaviors in the future. So, it was common to declare those cases "undefined", making the programmer responsible for any future compatibility problems even if the actual behavior was predictable.

  • 5
    Whilst that's true, it doesn't address the specific question of what behaviour these opcodes have on the 8086 or 80286. Commented Jun 7, 2021 at 7:21
  • 7
    8086 has no illegal-instruction exception; every byte sequence ran as something. But later CPUs, at least starting with 286, do have a #UD exception. But a few special undocumented opcodes like SALC don't trigger that, even in 32-bit mode on modern x86 CPUs. Commented Apr 21, 2022 at 7:44

MAME's 8086/88/186/188/286 emulator here, V20/V30/V33/V33A emulator here, and V30MZ emulator here all support 83/1, 83/4, and 83/6, and all appear to support a segment override prefix for XLAT. Search for 0x83 and 0xd7 to find the implementations.

The fact that they all agree doesn't necessarily mean they're correct, since they all seem to have been forked from common code at some point. But I suppose that whoever implemented them probably knew what they were doing.

Note: This answer previously said that all three don't support a segment-override prefix for XLAT. That was wrong (I misread the code).

  • Actually, I looked into your claim and it appears that the use of GetMemB(DS, ....) in the source code does support segment override prefixes. You can follow the definitions of the functions until you get to calc_addr or you can compare other uses of GetMemB in the same source file to see that passing DS actually does allow for overrides. I wrote up a report on the freedos-user mailing list as well as (a direct copy) on my blog: pushbx.org/ecm/dokuwiki/blog/pushbx/2024/…
    – ecm
    Commented Jul 1 at 17:55
  • s/freedos-user/freedos-devel/
    – ecm
    Commented Jul 1 at 18:05
  • 1
    @ecm You're right, and it does look like that was already true when I wrote this answer. How embarrassing. I edited the answer.
    – benrg
    Commented Jul 1 at 19:22
  • 1
    If I recall, MASM would accept a memory operand for XLAT, even though the only thing the memory operand could possibly do was indicate what segment to use. If segment overrides weren't supported, use of an operand would seem completely pointless and nonsensical.
    – supercat
    Commented Jul 1 at 20:05
  • I'd also have to dig out an old hard drive to confirm this, but I suspect strongly that I would have used XLAT with a CS prefix in one of my old games (porting from Turbo 3.0 to Turbo 4.0 was annoying because the code exploited the fact that shapes stored in Const objects were accessible via CS prefix).
    – supercat
    Commented Jul 1 at 20:08

These opcodes are "not used" on 8086/8088 according to this manual: [...] but the meaning of "not used" is unclear [...]

Err... what of 'not used' is unclear? For a CPU, its manual is holy scripture, to be taken word for word. If it says something then it must be. Assuming otherwise, even if it can be proven, is blasphemous.

Not each opcode combination possible does make sense. In this case they are simply not assigned to any functionality, because it would not make much sense for the basic 16 bit CPU. They are essentially duplicates.

The block 80..83 must be seen as one encoding case. The the basic opcode is 1000.00sw, marking an ALU operation with

  • w defining whether it's an 8 or 16 bit operation and
  • s defining whether a sign extension is to be applied or not

83h is a bit special, as with a 16 bit target and a 16 bit immediate, a sign extension wouldn't make much sense, would it? So having both set (word and sign extension) marks a signed 8 bit immediate to follow instead of a 16 bit one.

  • w=0; s=0 -> 8 bit target and 8 bit immediate
  • w=0; s=1 -> 8 bit target and 8 bit immediate
  • w=1; s=0 -> 16 bit target and 16 bit immediate
  • w=1; s=1 -> 16 bit target and 8 bit immediate

The ALU operation to be used is specified in the second byte as xxxOOOxx:

  • 000 -> ADD
  • 001 -> OR
  • 010 -> ADC
  • 011 -> SBB
  • 100 -> AND
  • 101 -> SUB
  • 110 -> XOR
  • 111 -> CMP

So, while sign extension does make much sense for arithmetic operation, it isn't as useful for logical operations.

No matter if it's about byte handling (82h, <op> rm8,i8) or word handling (83h, <op> rm16,i16) sign extension would be of no difference to non-sign-extending opcodes (80h/81h). They are simply the same operation.

There are two oddities here:

  • The whole 82h opcodes are kind of redundant with the 80h range. Only the 8086 manual marks them in that single table as explicit opcodes. Later manuals (186, 286) still list the S/W encoding for arithmetic immediate operations, but no longer list the 82h opcodes (or any unassigned opcode at all). The 386 manual also drops the entire description of the S/W encoding.

  • Why only the logic operation within 82/83h have been marked as unused in the 8086 manual can only be speculated. It's possible that the structure of the ALU simply didn't allow the use of sign extension and bit operations at the same time.

So, why were they introduced with the 80386?

For space reasons. Regardless of target size selected, 83h always uses an 8 bit immediate. While this is not a really big thing in an 8/16 bit environment, it becomes more useful when target size depends on modal operation - not to mention substantial space savings in 32 bit code, at least as long as operations are fine with only 7 usable bits.

XLAT with a segment override prefix: Manuals for 8086 and 80286 only mention that it uses the DS register. It was first mentioned in the 80386 manual that it accepts segment prefixes.

Oh, that's an easy one. The operand of XLAT is not a memory location, which has a segment assigned, but the register AL. One can't overwrite a non-existent segment. The ability to use a segment is simply an addition introduced with the 80386.

Does somebody have any information on what these instructions actually do on CPUs where they are undocumented (8086/8088/80286/NEC V20)?

Not really sure what that should be good for, as it's simply not defined.

  • 3
    That the instructions are simply not defined is the obvious conclusion from what the linked manual says, but I cannot find any evidence that is the case. Every other reference says these instructions work fine, going back to the 8088/86. Do you have an independent source for this claim that these instructions are not defined/unsupported?
    – Cody Gray
    Commented Jun 5, 2021 at 7:06
  • 4
    @CodyGray If the manual doesn’t define them, they are undefined by, ahem, definition. Whether an opcode is defined or not is entirely a matter of official documentation. Independent sources can report on how undefined opcodes behave in practice, but cannot actually define them. Commented Jun 5, 2021 at 7:47
  • 1
    Why would sign extension not be useful for logical operations? If one wants to clear the bottom 2 bits of SI, being able to AND with -4 (sign-extended 0xFC) would seem like it should be more efficient than having to AND with a 16-bit operand 0xFFFC. If you want to say Intel didn't consider that such operations would be useful, that may be true, but situations where they would be useful aren't particularly obscure.
    – supercat
    Commented Jun 7, 2021 at 20:12
  • 1
    Later documenting an instruction or feature that older CPUs actually did support is something vendors can do. I guess with 386, Intel retroactively documented the fact that 83 f3 07 runs as xor bx, 7 in 16-bit mode on existing CPUs. They've done somewhat similar things more recently, e.g. documenting that the AVX feature flag implies 16-byte aligned loads/stores are atomic. And documenting that rep nop runs as a nop on older CPUs (instead of pause), that rep bsf runs as bsf on CPUs that don't decode it as tzcnt, etc. (Before then, rep bsf was undefined, not future-proof) Commented Apr 21, 2022 at 8:36
  • 1
    @PeterCordes: I think a more interesting example of retroactive documentation would be with the AAD and AAM instructions. While this is just conjecture, I suspect that the people designing the instruction set didn't know whether it would take more microcode to implement base-ten operations in a manner that didn't involve the constant 0x0A, or to implement operations with a base specified in the machine code, so the opcodes were specified as having an operand which the CPU may or may not use. As for the concept in general, I wish the designers of the 6502 had gone back and...
    – supercat
    Commented Apr 21, 2022 at 15:16

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