Watching a WSJ-Segment about Airline-Loyalty-Programs I stumbled over this picture of what seems to be a room full of desks (*1) with two rather large terminals or screens upfront:
Does anyone know or have a trace about those terminals/screens?
It may originate from the late 70s/early 80s. Hard to say if they are terminals, or stand alone screens. It's hard to say, but they seem to be mounted to a rather large, fitting base, which would make a terminal (at least a special output only one) more likely.
What made me itch is an uncanny likenesses to the first PET prototype and a little less to its later incarnation:
[Picture taken from Chuck Hutchins blog entry about the Prototype]
*1 - Hard to tell ich accounting, phone hotline, booking or similar service as such setup has been used in many companies for many purpose all around the world since the late 1960s.