I was thinking of the mold issue of floppies and UV light (UV-C) came to mind. As ultraviolet (UV) is a form of electromagnetic radiation and floppies use a magnetic disk for storage and I vaguely remember something about tapes that should not be exposed to direct light.
What is the effect direct exposure of magnetic disk of a floppy to UV light? Is there a difference to the specific UV-A, UV-B and UV-C? Will it just wipe the data from the disk or will is physically damage the disk or coating on the disk? How long should the disk be exposed to be disinfected using UV-C and also, how long will it take for potential damage to the magnetic disk occur when exposed to UV?
Lastly, because I recently watched the Vertasium video about UV (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9K6gjR07Po), how would a floppy or other similar magnetic disk (storage tape) look in UV light?