I remember programming a ZX spectrum in 128 basic (about 20 years ago). I remember I was able to save a third of the screen into a variable. Something like this:
10 LET A$ = [16384 BYTES starting at 16384]
But I can't remember the syntax I used. I remember then being able to store the whole screen memory in three strings. And being able to use these to store and play animations.
I have tried things like
LET A$ = CODE 16384,16384
LET A$ = SCREEN$(0 to 10, 0 to 32)
But I can't for the life of me remember what it was. And I can't even find it in the documentation. Since there doesn't seem to be a way to read and store strings at memory addresses.
I've been able to do something similar just by using a RAM disk like this:
SAVE! "picture" SCREEN$
But I am sure I was able to store the screen pixels inside a string. But all I can find in the documentation is peeking and poking one byte at a time. And ideas?