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65 votes

Why didn't early color TV sets accept RGB input?

When colour television broadcasts began (1960s, in the UK; perhaps a little earlier in North America?) there weren't any local devices that customers might want to use. Broadcast TV was the only ...
Toby Speight's user avatar
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59 votes

Why were animated screensavers used instead of a black screen on CRT monitors?

To elaborate on Jon Custer's comment: yes, for protecting the display against burn-in, a black screen would do just as well or better as any "screensaver". However, the graphical effects ...
Ilmari Karonen's user avatar
49 votes

Why did 80x25 become the text monitor standard?

Where did the 80x25 text terminal size come from? Quick answer: It's one Punch Card Per Line Resulting in 24/25 lines (cards) per screen when using a 4:3 tube and a reasonable font as dictated by ...
Raffzahn's user avatar
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48 votes

Which font with slashed zero is being used in this screengrab?

The font in use appears to be the ‘9×14’ bitmap font (i.e. 8×14 glyph bitmaps tweaked for 9×14 character cells) of the Hercules graphics card. The title of the video is ‘Windows1 (1985) PC XT ...
user3840170's user avatar
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40 votes

Why did some video games apparently use "interlaced" video modes?

Indeed, early devices such as C64, NES, or IBM PC with CGA adapter did not use interlacing, but simply sent 240p to the TV. And later devices such as the Amiga could send either 480i or 240p. But TVs ...
Justme's user avatar
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37 votes

Why were animated screensavers used instead of a black screen on CRT monitors?

A blank screen would have been just as effective for protecting the CRT from the burn-in associated with a static display. However, for a time in the late 80's through 1990's, certain popular ...
Brian H's user avatar
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32 votes

Square pixels and TV output

CRT TVs are analog devices, there is no "pixel", but the size of the spot limits the resolution of the image, as the size of silver nitrate crystals limits the resolution of photo films. Several ...
Grabul's user avatar
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28 votes

What is the difference between the Commodore 1701 and the 1702?

The 1701 and 1702 are virtually identical. They have the same specs, tube, inputs, casing, and manufacturer. The only real difference is the 1701 is older (1982 to early '83, 1702 is late '83) and the ...
mnem's user avatar
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27 votes

Is it possible to swap the Apple IIc's monochrome CRT tube for a color one?

If you don't know, then the answer is "no". It certainly is possible to get a color CRT tube and matching electronics and fit them into a cleared out case. However, if you have to ask people on the ...
NoAnswer's user avatar
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26 votes

Why did 80x25 become the text monitor standard?

A lot of early PCs and terminals were designed to use either TVs or monitors that were built around CRTs that were built to the same specifications as TVs. While (traditional standard definition) TVs ...
Jules's user avatar
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26 votes

Samsung SyncMaster 3 cannot show resolutions up from 800x600 despite manual saying otherwise

According to your manual, the monitor can only do 1024x768 interlaced; I strongly suspect you're sending 1024x768 progressive (i.e. non-interlaced).
Eric Brown's user avatar
24 votes

Adjusting focus for old CRT monitors

The EHT (extra-high-tension) circuits used to drive colour CRT displays run at 25kV (kilo-volts), and the capacitors contain enough stored charge to kill you stone dead if you touch the wrong thing, ...
Mick's user avatar
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23 votes

Computers with integrated monitor (all-in-one form factor)

It's a little cheaper to build all-in-one units because you only need one cabinet and one power supply, and you need fewer cables and connectors and supporting electronics. And back then, people didn'...
snips-n-snails's user avatar
23 votes

Why didn't early color TV sets accept RGB input?

Early colour TVs predated VCRs and home computers by many years. Even if it did not cost much, adding an RGB input would still be a cost for something that no one would use. However, it would have ...
badjohn's user avatar
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23 votes

Why didn't early color TV sets accept RGB input?

Many TV designs up into the 1970s were so called live chassis designs, which used one leg of the mains input as a reference ground. This saved materials and weight - given some early color TVs used ...
rackandboneman's user avatar
21 votes

What is the correct name for the old green/amber-on-black monitors, and what are the best vintage models to look for used?

Are they called "monochrome" monitors, or something else? Yes. Monochrome covers all that paint in Amber, Green, Blue or white on black. What I want is one of those with glowing green ...
Raffzahn's user avatar
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20 votes

Can the wrong sync frequency really destroy a CRT monitor?

Horizontal deflection circuit is intended to make linearly increasing current in the deflection coil. At the end of ray scanning from left to right, the deflection coil should be re-magnetized in a ...
lvd's user avatar
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19 votes

Was the picture area of a CRT a parallelogram (instead of a true rectangle)?

Canonically in NTSC standards the drawn lines are tilted slightly so that the start of the odd field starting at the left is perfectly level with the top of the even field starting in the middle ...
Jamvanderloeff's user avatar
19 votes

Why does my CRT whine?

My Amstrad CTM644 CRT 'monitor', makes a high pitched whine [...] My research indicates that this is just the scanning frequency of the tube, The ~15 kHz line frequency is the most likely source. ...
Raffzahn's user avatar
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18 votes

What causes the monitor to reduce to four lines on BK 0010 Focal?

After pressing "AP2+CБP" key combination computer switches to extended memory mode, in which screen is reduced to 1/4 of original size giving about 12Kb memory of screen RAM to user (extending user ...
Алексей Киров's user avatar
18 votes

Did any computer allow overscan on a CRT monitor?

The Commodore Amiga (all models) had hardware support for overscan on CRTs. This was accessible to the user through the Preferences settings, as shown in the dialog panel below. The Preferences ...
Brian H's user avatar
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18 votes

What's the name of this CRT monitor?

It’s a regular 80s-era TV set, specifically a Ferguson MC01 (from a 1986 Argos catalogue, see this article): the buttons are volume, brightness, contrast, colour, and channel selection buttons. This ...
Stephen Kitt's user avatar
17 votes

Physical resolution and control of old VGA (color) CRT monitors

What was the phosphor resolution? The usual specification quoted for CRT resolution is the 'dot pitch', or distance between groups of RGB phosphor dots. Here are some examples of IBM monitors ...
Bruce Abbott's user avatar
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17 votes

What is the correct name for the old green/amber-on-black monitors, and what are the best vintage models to look for used?

A "monochrome" screen refers to any display which only displays one colour, based on the type of phosphor used. The type you are after is more specifically called a "green screen" ...
Caleb Fuller's user avatar
17 votes

Choosing a monochrome color at the monitor?

A form of this was used extensively for avionics displays. Known as the penetron (stop giggling), the CRT used a single gun and dual phosphor coatings (red and green). Each frame was drawn in two ...
Alex Hajnal's user avatar
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17 votes

Why did some video games apparently use "interlaced" video modes?

TL;DR: It's not about what a console can deliver as it is what a TV can display. Classic (pre digital) TV sets could only receive and display interlaced frames. So no sense in producing a non ...
Raffzahn's user avatar
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16 votes

Why did 80x25 become the text monitor standard?

The 80 columns comes via IBM terminals such as the 3270, which themselves got it from IBM punched cards. There was no particular reason to pick 80 over some other width for punched cards except that ...
pndc's user avatar
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16 votes

What's the name of this Apple monitor

NEC Character Display, Model JB-1201M(A). It’s a 12” monochrome green display, manufactured in Japan circa 1981. Approximate dimensions are 14” x 12” x 11 1/2”. Further details found at: https://www....
Jim Withrow's user avatar
15 votes

Why not SCART for early color monitors

Caveat: 'Why Not' questions are like 'What If' and rarely have a definite answer. It's an (educated) speculation at best. In case of interface and connectors, NIH (Not Invented Here) is a big issue. ...
Raffzahn's user avatar
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15 votes

Was the picture area of a CRT a parallelogram (instead of a true rectangle)?

IIRC, the electron gun was actually installed in a position where it was rotated slightly relative to the tube, to compensate for this effect, so the scan lines did end up being horizontal.
rwallace's user avatar
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