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Questions tagged [software-recommendation]

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17 votes
5 answers

Unix tools for manipulating Commodore CP/M disk images

I'm looking for some (command-line) tools that can transfer host files on a Unix or Linux machine to and from Commodore .D64, .D71 and similar image files in CP/M format. The particular use case I ...
cjs's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Last LibreOffice for a Windows 7 32bits [closed]

What is the last version of LibreOffice compatible with Windows7 32bits? I don't mind about the official release or an unofficial fork. Other software alternatives are welcome too
Daniel Perez's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Looking for a retro chip emulator for building a custom system from scratch [closed]

TL;DR: I want to do this but entirely in software on my Linux laptop. Long version: In Ben Eater's "Hello World on a 6502", Ben shows how to build a computer from scratch using individual ...
ArrayBolt3's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Software to generate C64 BASIC code printing PETSCII art

I am looking for a good toolkit to auto-generate C64 basic code, which eventually prints different PETSCII graphics. I am wondering, if there is a good workflow for this, e.g. using a graphical ...
philipp_b's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

How to keep running DOS 16 bit applications when Windows 11 drops NTVDM

I have a business client who runs an old DOS 16-bit accounting and point-of-sale system in his industrial supply warehouse. He does not want to switch from the legacy DOS application since all of his ...
TaoRich's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Do any 'remote control' solutions exist for Mac OS 9.x?

Windows users have had RDP forever. Its fast, it works, and it's ubiquitous - but what options exist for remote controlling a Mac OS 9.x computer on my local network? I've read that a VNC server ...
Geo...'s user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How do I best simulate a 80386? [closed]

I have used emu8086 to simulate the Intel 8086 before. I like that it allows me to view the opcodes, the data in the registers in a very user friendly way. What simulators are available for the 80386?...
Hex Heager's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Passive FTP transfers in Windows 3?

Does anybody know if there have ever been any passive FTP Clients for Windows 3.x? I ask because I think that might be a good way to transfer data between retro computers and modern computers. The ...
TSJNachos117's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How to determine BIOS-provided (INT 13h) hard disk geometry, and how to fix the MBR partition table to agree with it?

When transferring a hard drive from one computer to another, sometimes a situation can occur where the BIOS-provided CHS hard disk geometry (interrupt 13h without extensions) is different from the CHS ...
Alex Cannon's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Any recommendations for a Hitachi HD6303 assembler?

Does anyone have any good recommendations for a Hitachi HD6303 assembler? I've been working on a project to reverse-engineer an executable made for a Hitachi HD63B03 processor. I've finished the first ...
ajxs's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Is there a softmodem driver package for Linux?

I'd like to run an old-school BBS that can be dialed into over a real phone line. Unfortunately, I don't currently have the necessary hardware to do so. I had the idea of purchasing a VPS and then ...
Caden Snyder's user avatar
20 votes
7 answers

Are there any good, non-abandoned PC emulators?

Mission: I'm trying to simulate a classic ~286/386/486/Pentium inside my modern PC (running Windows 10) in the most authentic way possible. Just a quick note to say that I (Sarah Walker) have decided ...
Gaije's user avatar
  • 233
10 votes
1 answer

Is there a screen recording application for Windows 3.1?

I am looking for an application that runs in Windows 3.1 and will save the screen to a video file on a disk. I know Windows 3.1 had a extension called Win32s, which is a subset of the Win32 API and ...
Claudia Burns's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Good Z80 disassembler/decompiler on modern equipment?

I have a hobby project with an old CP/M-80 system, where I now would like to disassemble/decompile some compiled code – a ROM and some small executables – into assembly source so I can regenerate the ...
Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Amiga File Manager with keyboard navigation

Is there a file manager for Amiga OS 3.x, something like Directory Opus but keyboard-driven, which feels more like Midnight Commander or Total Commander, where all the navigation is done by keyboard ...
Bartek Malysz's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

How can I extract the contents of a Windows 3.1 (16-bit) game EXE file?

I have a game that I can play in a Windows 3.1 emulator. Now I want to have a look "behind the scenes" of the game EXE file. I hope to find game graphics (sprites) there. But how can I ...
Drachenbauer's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to use IBM SaveDskF floppy format on modern machine

Is there a way to write IBM SaveDskF disk images to a floppy on a modern machine? The floppy drive is connected via USB. Some comment somewhere said to use WinImage, but I tried that and it said the ...
Tomas By's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Dump process memory of Windows 3.1 control panel applet

I'm trying to work out how a Control Panel applet on Windows 3.1, which interacts with some host-specific hardware, works and as part of this I'd like to dump the contents of memory which the process ...
David Gardner's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Has a retargetable disassembler been used successfully for a word-oriented mainframe architecture?

Among many modern disassembly/reverse engineering tools, has any been used to disassemble legacy code for a word-oriented mainframe, preferably with a non-power-of-2 word length, like CDC 6600 (60 bit)...
Leo B.'s user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Is there a seamless, Wine-like AmigaOS emulator for Linux, specifically for text-based programs?

After trying out FS-UAE on my Fedora Linux system, which worked quite nicely, I got to thinking. Even though when the Amiga was originally released in the middle 1980s, it was revolutionary in its ...
user53739's user avatar
  • 193
3 votes
1 answer

Does there exist a MPU-401 to OPL3 TSR for MS-DOS?

There are a few games for MS-DOS with music only through MPU-401, like the platformer Abuse and the RPG Avalon. Is there a TSR available that intercepts MPU-401 port accesses and transforms them into ...
knol's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

SSH for DOS / Win 3.1

Is there an SSH client for DOS 6.22 or Windows 3.1 that supports certificates and could be used to connect to AWS or Azure instances, or any other server for that matter? I have another laptop ...
Bartek Malysz's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How to transfer AT&T 6300 ".360" disk images onto physical floppies

I got these MS-DOS 3.3 disk images for the AT&T 6300 from ATDOS331.360 ATDOS332.360 ATDOS333.360 ATDOS334.360 Supposing that I have access to a physical 5.25″ floppy drive running ...
user4574's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Any tools (that actually work) for viewing PDF files in FreeDOS?

I recently installed FreeDOS on an old laptop and then transferred some dosbox based GOG games I own to the FreeDOS installation. The problem is the manuals for these games is in PDF format and I ...
old_school9999's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Emulate a text-mode DOS program using a Unix terminal

Is it possible to run a text-mode DOS program in an emulator under a Unix-like operating system (Linux/*BSD/macOS) such that DOS text-mode input and output is done on a Unix terminal instead of a ...
Lassi's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Is there a generic VBE driver available for Windows 3.x?

I’d like to run Windows 3.11 on a relatively modern laptop. One problem I have is that the only display driver that works with my hardware is the basic VGA driver, which only supports the rather ...
user3840170's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Was there an autocomplete utility in MS-DOS?

MS-DOS (at least 6.22) had optional features such as DOSKEY to remember the command line history, which is now standard on modern command prompts. However, I'm not aware of an autocomplete feature, ...
CJ Dennis's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How to use TOSEC?

This is probably a stupid question, but I am struggling to understand how to 'use' TOSEC. For those that are unfamiliar with TOSEC (and assuming I understand it correctly) the project aims to catalog ...
Geo...'s user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Is there a program I can run on the C64 to speed up booting of a game?

Though I had several friends back in the day with a Commodore 64, I only recently acquired one after a friend gave me his old one before he moved house. As such, I'm diving in to learning about the ...
bjb's user avatar
  • 17.3k
5 votes
2 answers

Tools for creating disk images on Mac Plus

I got BMOW's floppy emulator and have been pulling a bunch of files from 30 year old floppies (which have a miraculously low rate of failure) onto my SD card. One of the things I wanted to copy was a ...
miken32's user avatar
  • 151
10 votes
2 answers

Copying disk images to Commodore 64 floppy disks

For some time now I have been on a mission to get back into playing games on a Commodore 64. I have bought an original Commodore 64C. I got hold of a original 1541 disk drive. I also got hold of a ...
Thomas's user avatar
  • 385
11 votes
2 answers

What modern image editors support non-square pixels?

Almost all old home computers tend to offer non-square pixels, from wide-pixel graphics modes on the C64/CPC/BBC Micro to CGA's weird not-quite-square 320x200 mode with a pixel aspect ratio of 5:6. ...
hexwab's user avatar
  • 323
19 votes
6 answers

What are my options for multitasking in MS-DOS 5.0 on an 80186 with EMS?

I've got an HP 200LX, which runs DOS 5.0 from ROM, and I'm using EMM200 to provide some EMS from the C: RAM disk (it uses the memory controller to directly map the "disk" blocks into memory, ...
db2's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Testing RAM on an OmniBook 300?

I've got an old 386 laptop - specifically an OmniBook 300 - and I'm a little suspicious of the RAM. It's exhibited some very odd symptoms, such as memory-related crashes and boot failures, so I'd like ...
db2's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

What to do about "Invalid media type"

I have an old PC with a HDD that was using Double Space. Since I do not need the extra space, and want to minimise the system use of RAM, I attempted to re-format the drive normally. After typing ...
Tomas By's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Looking for an easy to use Commodore 64 disk/sector editor

First, let me say I understand that 'recommendation style' questions can be very subjective, but I believe there is enough value in a few good beginner resource pointers that others could benefit from ...
Geo...'s user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Are there any public tools for the TMS34010?

I am interested to learn about the Texas Instruments TMS34010, a 32-bit fully functional CPU with built-in graphics manipulation capabilities, which appeared in Atari's Hard Drivin' arcade boards ...
user3570736's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Graphics Editor for 16-Bit Games

Which programs or tools were used to create the sprites and backgrounds for 16-Bit games like those on the Super Nintendo or the Sega Genesis?
Mos Ranna's user avatar
37 votes
6 answers

Is there a simple way to display ANSI art and animation files in a modern terminal window?

ANSI art and animations were prevalent on BBS systems in the late 80s and early 90s, and the ANSI art scene continues to thrive today. There are thousands of ANSI art files, with usual extension .ans, ...
Brian H's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Sega Genesis/Mega Drive ROM Disassembler

I am looking for a disassembler that supports Sega Genesis ROMs. Ideally, any 68000 disassembler should be able to do this (IDA Pro supposedly does an amazing job but their demo version does not ...
JAL's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

P′′ Language Interpreter/Compiler Resources

According to Wikipedia, P′′ is a "primitive computer programming language created by Corrado Böhm in 1964 to describe a family of Turing machines." P′′ contains only four instructions has influenced ...
JAL's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

TI-BASIC Interpreter for Mac

I've been trying to golf more in TI-BASIC and was wondering if there was an interpreter available for Mac. Bonus points if it is still being actively maintained.
JAL's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Slideshow software for Apple II?

I'd like to do a presentation using my Apple //e as the video generator. Is there any good "slideshow" or presentation software for the Apple //e other than writing a BASIC program to draw on the HGR ...
Zoey Green's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Converting ZX Spectrum .ipf files to .z80 or .tzx for use in Fuse on RetroPie?

I have a 'perfect' set of ZX Spectrum games (in .ipf format) that I would like to use in EmulationStation (RetroPie) but the Fuse emulator doesn't recognize .ipf files. Are there any tools that will ...
sw123456's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

How can I run COMIT code?

I recently learned about the existence of COMIT, which was the first string processing language. It's very old (1957), but it was used a lot in the first 10 years it was around, mainly in academic ...
Laurel's user avatar
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24 votes
6 answers

How can I emulate MS-DOS on OS X to run old games on?

I am looking for a emulator for MS-DOS for OS X to run old games on. Are there any free emulators for MS-DOS that run on an Apple machine with OS X?
user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

What Commodore 64 emulator and assembler to use? [closed]

I'm about to do some assembly coding for the C64 but for sanity I would like to do the actual coding on my Mac with an emulator. My question is; which is the most maintained/up-to-date emulator/...
stpe's user avatar
  • 203
26 votes
3 answers

Linux 68k Macintosh emulator

I'm currently using the absolutely ancient "Fusion" emulator to emulate a 68k Macintosh (specifically, a Quadra 700), but it only runs under MS-DOS, so I'm using a VirtualBox VM to emulate that. I'd ...
Mark's user avatar
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